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- Quick2Clamp 39mm-50mm Call for price
- Quick2Clamp 20mm-38mm Call for price
- Quick2Clamp 12mm-20mm Call for price
- Service Column 85mm x 50mm Select Option
- PIT5 - BODY (ELECT & COMMS) Call for price
Did You Know
- Floor Box with SS 14mm Rebate Lid (4x PLATES + 12x AS/PWR) Call for price
- 61mm x 41mm x 6m Channel/Strut HDG Call for price
- 2000w - Extra Large Ceramic Hotplate (ERM302) Call for price
- Floor Box with SS 14mm Rebate Lid (1x PLATE + 3x DATA) Call for price
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The first JOKERS are out!!! No I’m not talking about MITCHELLE SESSIONS and his ridiculous hair cut… I’m talking about MARK SMITH (1st place) and NOEL McCAULEY (2nd place) both taking their double points round this week! Normally leading this early on is never a good thing but MARK SMITH is an RJAN Tipping Original and has also taken out top honors, if anyone can do it, its him!
GERALD BAGATELLA and RAY POWDITCH take out the first perfect rounds of the season. Its probably the first time that their name and the words “perfect” have been mentioned in the same sentence so it might be worth getting a screen shot of this one to make it last longer.
Special mention this week goes out to all the Manly supporters, I know in the past I’d kick you while your down… but 2022 is a new year, new me! To prove it to you I’ve done a bit of research to help get your season back on track
STEP 1 – Raise the ladder to reach something lucrative
STEP 2 – Set the ladder at a 75° so your goal destination “seems” more achievable
STEP 3 – Check the rungs to make sure there are no unwanted obstacles or crap that could impede your climb
STEP 4 – Make sure the top of the ladder is secure/solid
STEP 5 – Climb the ladder maintaining three points of contact.
Good luck this week!