Year: 2020
RD01 – RJAN Footy Tipping 2020
Welcome to the RJAN Footy Tipping Comp for 2020! I hope you are all keeping safe and have not been infected by this disease plaguing our nation! However if you or someone you know is Manly supporter or been with in 1.5 m of a Manly supporter we suggest you self quarantine ASAP. If you …
RJAN Footy Tipping Comp – 2020
It’s that time of year again and we are taking names for the 2020 RJAN Footy Tipping Comp Entry is FREE as always with 1st place $1000 and 2nd place $200 Madison Technologies have yet again come on board as a sponsor! Without their support the RJAN Tipping comp would not be what it is …