If the Knights let you down this week for a full round on your JOKER, then you only have one person to blame! For privacy reasons we cannot fully disclose his name so for arguments sake we will call him (or her) MITCH.S… nar that’s a bit obvious… let make it M.SESSIONS… prior to kick off “M.SESSIONS” proclaiming the KNIGHTS were a “sure things” to round out his perfect week on his JOKER and fulfill his destiny as Leader of the RJAN Tipping Comp! The RJAN Tipping Judiciary has found him GUILTY of a grade 1 Jinxing, effecting at least 11 tipsters with more to come forward. A sentence is yet to be delivered but the committee is looking for maximum punishment which involves wearing a Manly jersey for the remainder of the season.
Good luck this week… (to everyone besides M.SESSIONS… and Manly supporters)