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- Quick2Clamp 39mm-50mm Call for price
- Quick2Clamp 20mm-38mm Call for price
- Quick2Clamp 12mm-20mm Call for price
- Service Column 85mm x 50mm Select Option
- PIT5 - BODY (ELECT & COMMS) Call for price
Did You Know
- RCD TEST KIT Call for price
- SAFETY GLASSES EPIC Call for price
- Incoloy 825 - Immersion Element Portable - 2400W Call for price
- N2 BEND Select Options
- NSW/BP/GD10 Call for price
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A story of redemption breaks this week as ALLEN WELLS jags a 7 point round after forgetting his tips last week! Please note this redemption is exclusive to the RJAN Tipping comp, he is still a massive rooster (fan) in real life!
While WILLIAM SANDERS sprinkled some secret herbs and spices on his picks this week, smashing out a massive 14 points on his joker
Good luck this week!