Another round of footy down and not a PERFECT ROUND in sight nor has anyone been brave enough to take their JOKER (double points round). Let see who I can peer pressure into taking it early on ;P
JENNY JOHNS and BIANCA POIOR jump to the top of the leader board with 11pts overall. BIANCA was one of 2 people to top score for the round with 7pts, the other over achiever was ERIN J. LIVET.
Special mention this week goes out to JOHN GAVIN and FRITH CHRISTIANSEN. These 2x very “special” Manly tragics took the EAGLES BYE a little too literally, both taking the week off from tipping thinking it was an easy 2 points… looking at their sub-par performances from round 1 maybe it was worth a shot?
Speaking of BYE rounds I’m overwhelmed by the feedback and support that 90% actually backed the BYE over MANLY this week. Keep up the good work and the creative responses.
Good luck this week!